Step 1: Clinics administer Mom's Checkup
Clinics can administer the Mom's Checkup in two ways: 1) clinics provide pregnant patients with an iPad or tablet in the waiting room; or 2) patients access the Checkup through a link or by scanning a QR code on a flyer.
Clinics can hang this flyer in their office or distribute it to patients before appointments.
Patients scan the QR code to complete the Mom's Checkup on their mobile device.
Step 2: Patients Complete the Mom's Checkup and Brief Intervention
The Mom's Checkup
Patients complete the Mom's Checkup in the waiting room or on their mobile phone before their appointment. Patients are guided through the questionnaire by the app's animated host and answer the behavioral health screeners while waiting to be seen by the medical team.

Brief Intervention
Through patients' answers to questions, the HT2 app screens for behavioral health risks such as substance use or depression, and offers patients the opportunity to participate in a brief behavioral intervention related to their health risk(s). The HT2 app houses intervention videos for several behavioral health risks, including the examples below.
Alcohol Use
After patients complete the Mom's Checkup, the app sends a detailed feedback report summarizing patients' data and highlighting any behavioral health risks to the medical team. Medical teams also receive summary data of screeners within the Mom's Checkup.
NOTE that we are currently updating the design of these reports. The images below are examples of how the final revised reports might look.