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  • Can the HT2 app connect with our EHR?
    Clinic staff can easily access reports and results by logging in to the secure HT2 website. EHR integration requires a fair amount of cooperation from your IT department, but we have built our platform to be compatible with SMART on FHIR standards to make that process as easy as possible.
  • What if we don’t have local access to services?
    Providing a brief motivational intervention is itself consistent with current best practice recommendations. We also can help you connect with services that are available everywhere, such as the State of Michigan tobacco Quitline, early home visitation services, or the MC3 perinatal program (which provides free psychiatric consultations for providers). Finally, through the MC3 perinatal/HT2 integration initiative, clinics can sign up to have access to instant behavioral health services through telehealth.
  • How is HT2 different than other health screeners?
    HT2 provides medical teams with a summary report of patients' answers and offers patients the opportunity to participate in a brief behavior intervention. HT2 not only gathers information from patients, but can also help influence behavior change in the direction of better health through the short motivational intervention. Additionally, while there are many types of screeners, this screener is comprehensive, including social determines of health, depression, and anxiety screeners. Finally, at sites that are part of the MC3/HT2 integration, patients can be connected to immediate behavioral health counseling.
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